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Photographer: Mark Visit this artist's gallery
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Location: California USA
Experience: Professional
Copyright by Mark (Pix# 887)
"Cloisonne Vase"
Submitted: Mon Aug 27 2007 4:09 pm [View artist's Gallery]
Taken: 01/30/2007
Artist Notes: This Cloissone vase was lit with both natural light and a remote strobe set to provide subtle lighting for the B&W image. Retaining the texture of the table surface while getting jet-black shadows was a bit tricky and it took about 6 shots to refine the lighting.
Views: 4787

Judge's Ratings
Visitor Comments • Very nice-love the black background you have on this. [by Lynda on Aug 27 2007]
• This B&W photo is actually a good test for your display. If it's properly adjusted (or calibrated), you should be able to see the slightly textured tabletop extending about 1/3 up the frame, along with a subtle shadow and reflection of the base. If all you see is a solid black background all around the vase, you're missing important shadow detail and should do a color or gamma adjustment of your monitor. [by mv on Dec 26 2007]
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