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 People / Portraits Gallery
Photographer: Vanessa Powers Visit this artist's gallery
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Location: ca United States
Experience: Amateur
Copyright by Vanessa Powers (Pix# 1243)
"Ina the Fairy"
Submitted: Mon Nov 24 2008 3:28 am [View artist's Gallery]
Taken: 11/19/08
Artist Notes: Taken for my nieces 1st birthday.
Found a flower image online for the base of photo, used nikon 7.1 digital camera to take photo of my niece, cut her out and added her in the image of flower, added a clip of fairy wings, and stars around the image.
Views: 2955

Judge's Ratings
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4 Judges Voting Average Score
• Very cute. [by hm on Nov 24 2008]
• A fun and interesting composition that I'm sure will get big smiles from your niece. However, a bit more work in Photoshop would improve the presentation since folds in the flower petals are visible on your niece's face and arms, and her legs appear to be missing. [by mv on Nov 24 2008]
Visitor Comments • Its a lovely idea but I think the flower on its own would have been better [by Jewels on Nov 24 2008]
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